The following instructions apply to preparing metadata in MEI format. They are exemplified using mass B.46.
The name of the XML file is WerW_[group]_[number].xml
- titles: title and language; several titles may be entered
- alternative title: for works with several named movements (responsories like WerW D.3.7, vespers like WerW H.1.8); use a bullet and spaces (“ · ”) as separator
- identification
- WerW: number according to this catalogue
- Dopf: thematic catalogue of masses by Dopf (1956)
- HarCa: thematic catalogue (unfinished) by Hárich (1990)
- HarIn: Werner’s inventory of 1737/38 (prefixes I–XIII) and thematic catalogue of 1740 (prefixes A–G) as described by Hárich (1975)
- PetSi: catalogue of instrumental works by Petermayr (2020) (Kon: Konzerte; Par: Partiten; Pas: Pastorellen (geistlich); Sin: Sinfonien; Sog: Sonaten (geistlich); Sow: Sonaten (weltlich))
- PetWe: catalogue of Christmas music by Petermayr (2015)
- WinMa: catalogue of masses by Winkler-Klement (2020)
- contributors: composer with GND ID
- work notes: optional general notes on the work, e.g., why is an attribution spurious?
- language
- classification and keywords: genre of the work
Music metadata
- add an incipit for each movement (4–5 bars, single staff, graphics file without extension)
Instruments and voices
Use RISM scoring abbreviations and UNIMARC codes:
- ensembles
- soli (cve)
- coro (cmi)
- coro maschile (cme)
- S (vso)
- A (val)
- T (vte)
- B (vbs)
- instruments and singers
- cnto (bct)
- fl (wfl)
- chalumeau (wch)
- ob (wob)
- cl (wcl)
- fag (wba)
- cor (bho)
- clno (bcl)
- trb (btb)
- timp (pti)
- vl (svl)
- vla (sva)
- vlc (svc)
- b (sve)
- org (kor)
- cemb (khp)
- bc (mco)
- optionally, add details on roles (name, language, voice, standard code; example: WerW E.34)
- indicate missing title by “[no title]”
- indicate missing tempo indication by “[no tempo]”
- incipits: 5–10 bars, all instruments, system layout as in editorial guidelines, omitted bars indicated by dashed double bar line
- duration of da capos: “XX bars (incl. YY bars da capo)”
- indicate solo instruments in the notes (e.g., “clno solo”)
- movements (e.g., Kyrie):
- number
- title
- tempo
- meter
- key
- total extent (bars)
- instruments selection
- incipit
- movement parts (e.g., Qui tollis):
- title
- tempo
- meter
- key
- extent (bars)
- instruments selection
- notes: indicate da capos by, e.g.
- “da capo of the respective movement in movement”
- “da capo of the first xx bars”
- example: WerW B.46
Short sacred works
- like a single mass movement
- add movement parts if necessary
- example: WerW D.1.1
Long sacred works
- like several mass movements
- add movement parts if necessary
- example: WerW D.3.2
Instrumental works
- movements:
- number
- title
- tempo
- meter
- key
- extent (bars)
- instruments selection
- incipit
Enter the following source details:
- source title: one of
- “Autograph manuscript”
- “Partly autograph manuscript”
- “Manuscript copy”
- classification: add six terms from the predefined list
- publication:
- date of writing
- always include it, even if it is only a rough estimate, e.g.
- mid 18th century (machine-readable 1750-01-01)
Then, add a single item:
- location
- RISM siglum
- URI (link to digitized version or catalogue entry)
- label (“digitized version” or “catalogue entry”)
- shelfmark
- other identifiers: “RISM” with ID
If a full score or all parts are described, enter the following information on the item level:
- title page with label (like “[fol. 1r, by Kiesewetter]”, “[wrapper]”, “[on binding]” etc)
- use multiple title pages if appropriate
- physical description
- extent (number of parts or number of folios/pages for full scores)
- dimensions (height and width)
- physical medium
- usually “hand-ruled paper, 8–12 staves” or similar
- if parts have different formats, list them here (e.g., WerW D.1.3: “vl 1, vl 2, org: hand-ruled paper, 12 staves, upright format (32 x 21 cm) [newline] S, A, T, B, vlne: hand-ruled paper, 6 staves, oblong format (17 x 22 cm)”)
- general description
- individual parts with number of written pages in parentheses, e.g., “S coro (2), A coro (2), T solo and coro (4), B coro (2), vl 1 (3), vl 2 (3), vlne (2), org (3)”
- include any additional notes as new paragraph, e.g., “title page contains 17 performance dates: 1749-05-04, 1750-04-26 …”
- if only data from the RISM entry and/or literature were used, write “catalogued according to RISM entry and Murányi (1997)” or similar
Lost manuscripts
- source title: “Lost manuscript”
- classification: last term must be “Lost”
- add a single item:
- location (use “Repository name” if no RISM siglum is available)
- (optional) general description
Enter the following source details:
- source title: “Print”
- classification: add six terms from the predefined list
- publication:
- publisher
- place
- date of printing (mandatory)
Also, add the following information on the source level (see manuscripts for details):
- RISM identifier
- title page(s)
- physical description (extent, dimensions, physical medium)
- general description
Then, add several items where only the location is specified:
- RISM siglum
- URI (link to digitized version or catalogue entry)
- label (“digitized version” or “catalogue entry”)
- shelfmark
In the XML file, manually remove the m:
prefix and namespace declaration from the <physMedium>
- creation
- date of composition; always include at least a date estimate
- place of composition; use a parenthesized question mark to indicate assumed place, e.g. “Eisenstadt (?)”
- Add a single bibliography with default header “Bibliography”.
- Manually add bibliographic references as XML code. Each entry is represented by a
element, containing a<genre>
tag and other tags as described below.References contain one
element, whosetarget
attribute points to a reference using Pandoc Citations format (also see Quarto documentation).bibl> <genre>reference</genre> <ref targettype="pandoc-citation">@Petermayr2020 [p. 23]</ref> <bibl> </bibl> <genre>reference</genre> <ref targettype="pandoc-citation">@Mikusi2020</ref> <bibl> </bibl> <genre>reference</genre> <ref targettype="pandoc-citation">@WinklerKlement2013 [p. 50]</ref> <bibl> </
- Editions are described with MEI XML tags:
bibl> <genre>score</genre> <composer>Gregor Joseph Werner</composer> <title level="m">Kleine Hirtenmusik</title> <editor>Ernst Fritz Schmid</editor> <identifier>Bärenreiter-Ausgabe 1597</identifier> <imprint> <publisher>Bärenreiter</publisher> <pubPlace>Kassel</pubPlace> <date isodate="1940-01-01">1940</date> <imprint> </ptr target="" label="digitized version"/> <bibl> </
- series and file publication are prefilled from the template