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Ave Maria klare
1 |
- Identification
WerW E.1
HarCa I.N.20, I.R.19
PetWe 8
- Scoring
coro (S, A, T, B), 2 vla, vlne, org
- Genre
sacred song
- Place and date of composition
Eisenstadt (?), ca. 1760
- Bibliography
Winkler-Klement (2013, pp. 81, 91)
- Editions
1 Ave Maria klare
Tempo |
Alla capella |
Key |
C major |
Meter |
Extent |
38 bars |
Scoring |
coro (S, A, T, B), 2 vla, vlne, org |
Notes |
four stanzas |

Autograph manuscript
notated music · manuscript · autograph · parts · fair copy · complete
H-Bn Ms.mus III.224
Publication, dating
ca. 1760
Title page(s)
Ave Maria Klare. | Alla Capella | â 4 voci | Canto, Alto, Tenore, Basso. | Viole 2. | Con | Organo e Violone. | Authore Werner
Physical description
8 parts
32 × 21 cm
hand-ruled paper
Components and notes
- S coro, A coro, T coro, B coro, vla 1, vla 2, vlne, org
- catalogued according to RISM entry and Murányi (1997)
Manuscript copy
notated music · manuscript · copy · parts · fair copy · complete
Publication, dating
mid 18th century
Title page(s)
Ave Maria klare | à | 4 Voci.. | 2:bus Violis. | Con | Organo è Violone | alla Capella | Del Sigre. Gregorio Werner
Physical description
8 parts
S, A, T, B, org: hand-ruled paper, 11 staves, upright format (34.5 x 22 cm)
vla 1: hand-ruled paper, 6 staves, oblong format (17.5 x 22 cm)
vla 2: hand-ruled paper, 5 staves, oblong format (17.5 x 22 cm)
vlne: hand-ruled paper, 10 staves, upright format (30.5 x 19 cm)
Components and notes
- S coro (2), A coro (2), T coro (2), B coro (2), vla 1 (1), vla 2 (1), vlne (1), org (1)
- This manuscript is currently archived under shelfmark B 56, but has been recorded with shelfmark E 52 in the inventory of 1837.
- The four stanzas are written out in S, A, T, and B. In org, two stanzas are written, and repetition is indicated by the directive da capo 1 volte. In vla 1/2, one stanza is written, and repetition is indicated by the directive da capo 3 volte.
Manuscript copy
notated music · manuscript · copy · parts · fair copy · incomplete
CZ-Pr ARCH 2275
Publication, dating
1st half 19th century
Physical description
8 parts
hand-ruled paper
Components and notes
- S coro (5x; 1 p. each), A coro (3x, 1 p. each)
- catalogued according to RISM entry
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O Mutter, Mutter meines Herren

Lasset alle Ketzer schwärmen

Maria Wurzel Davids

Seht! Wie der stolzen Schlangenhaupt

Wer Mariam recht will lieben

Was helfen mir weltliche Freuden

Alle die Verlangen tragen

Beglückter Edens Garten

Alle Welt ist nun bedranget

Heut muß jene Sonne weichen

Hier lieg ich in der Bahre

Erbarmet euch, ihr Freund

Tauet ihr Himmel

Thauet ihr Himmel

Schönste Jungfrau, Vater allen

Heut trat der Jacobs Stern

Laßt ab von euren Trauern

So sei es dann beschlossen

O Maria, hilff mir / Ich will treulich dir beistehen

Wer bist du doch mein Mensch

O du Zierde der Jungfrauen

Blitz, Hagel, Mordgetümmel

O Maria, treib von dannen

Du vielgeliebtes Vaterland

Ihr blumenreiche Felder

Hört ihr Christen und laßt euch sagen

O längſt erwünſchte Nacht
1 |
- Identification
WerW E.28
HarCa I.T.7
PetWe 38
- Scoring
soli (S, T, B), coro (S, A, T, B), 2 ob, 2 chalumeau, 2 vl, vlne, org
- Genre
sacred song
- Place and date of composition
Eisenstadt (?), ca. 1750
- Bibliography
Schlader (2019), Schlader (2020)
- Editions
1 O längſt erwünſchte Nacht
Tempo |
Andante |
Key |
G major |
Meter |
Extent |
236 bars |
Scoring |
soli (S, T, B), coro (S, A, T, B), 2 ob, 2 chalumeau, 2 vl, vlne, org |

O längſt erwünſchte Nacht |
Andante |
G major |
38 |
coro (S, A, T, B), 2 ob, 2 vl, vlne, org |
Wer ſingt da? Waß klingt da? |
Allegretto mà non troppo / Vivace in tempo schietto – Tempo giusto |
C major |
140 |
soli (T, B), 2 ob, 2 vl, vlne, org |
bars 1–91 and 120–150: 2/4, Allegretto …; bars 92–119 and 151–178: 3/8, Tempo giusto |
Heb auf, du Hürtenſchaar |
Largo |
A minor |
28 |
solo (S), 2 chalumeau, vlne, org |
org solo |
So ſing wär halt |
Vivace |
G major |
30 |
coro (S, A, T, B), 2 ob, 2 vl, vlne, org |
Autograph manuscript
notated music · manuscript · autograph · parts · fair copy · complete
H-Bn Ms.mus III.331
Publication, dating
ca. 1750
Title page(s)
Pastorella da Cantarsi | in Sacratiss.a Notte del | Nostro Salvatore | à 4 voci | 2 Violini | 2 oboe | 2 Chalamaux | Con | Organo Concertante | e | Violone | Del Gregorio Werner
Physical description
12 parts
33 × 21 cm
hand-ruled paper
Components and notes
- S solo and coro, A coro, T solo and coro, B solo and coro, ob 1, ob 2, chalumeau 1, chalumeau 2, vl 1, vl 2, vlne, org
- catalogued according to RISM entry and Murányi (1997)
Manuscript copy
notated music · manuscript · copy · parts · fair copy · complete
Publication, dating
mid 18th century
Title page(s)
Pastorella da Cantarsi | in Sacratiſs:a Notte Del | Nostro Salvatore | â 4 Voci | 2 = Violino | 2 = Oboe | 2 = Chalamaux | Con | Organo Concertante | e | Violone | Del Gregorio Werner
Physical description
12 parts
hand-ruled paper, 10 staves
Components and notes
- S solo and coro (3), A coro (2), T solo and coro (4), B solo and coro (4), ob 1 (3), ob 2 (3), chalumeau 1 (1), chalumeau 2 (1), vl 1 (3), vl 2 (3), vlne (2), org (4)
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So soll ich dann an heut

Laufet ihr Hirten geschwind

An heut ist die Zeit

Wie gehts nä in dä Welt jetzt zu?

Wer da!

Ehr sey Gott in den höchsten Thron
1 |
- Identification
WerW E.34
HarCa I.T.11
PetWe 12
- Scoring
soli (A, 2 T, B), coro (S, A, 2 T, B), 2 vl, vla, vlne, org
- Roles
Angelus (A), Pastor 1mus (T 1), Pastor 2dus (T 2), Pastor 3tius (B)
- Genre
sacred song
- Place and date of composition
Eisenstadt (?), ca. 1750
- Editions
1 Ehr sey Gott in den höchsten Thron
Tempo |
Vivace |
Key |
C major |
Meter |
Extent |
308 bars |
Scoring |
soli (A, 2 T, B), coro (S, A, 2 T, B), 2 vl, vla, vlne, org |

Ehr sey Gott in den höchsten Thron (Chorus) |
Vivace |
C major |
20 |
coro (S, A, T, B), 2 vl, vla, vlne, org |
Hörts Wunder wie singens (Aria) |
Andante |
G major |
52 |
solo (T 1), 2 vl, vla, vlne, org |
Ehr sey Gott in den höchsten Thron (Chorus) |
Vivace |
C major |
20 |
coro (S, A, T, B), 2 vl, vla, vlne, org |
da capo of the first 20 bars |
Ey daß ist woll ein Wundergfill (Aria) |
Andante |
F major |
85 |
soli (T 2, B), 2 vl, vlne, org |
Ihr Hirten, legt die Forcht beyseith (Aria) |
Larghetto |
A minor |
17 |
solo (A), vlne, org |
org solo |
So laßt uns gehn nach Bethlehem |
[no tempo] |
C major |
114 |
soli (2 T, B), coro (S, A, 2 T, B), 2 vl, vla, vlne, org |
last 19 bars in cut time |
Autograph manuscript
notated music · manuscript · autograph · parts · fair copy · complete
H-Bn Ms.mus III.337
Publication, dating
ca. 1750
Title page(s)
Hirten Lied | In der Heÿl:n Christnacht. | Canto 1 | Alto 1 | Tenori 2 | Basso 1 | Violini 2 | Violetta 1 | Con Organo e Violone | Auth:re Werner
Physical description
10 parts
32 × 22 cm
hand-ruled paper
Components and notes
- S coro, A solo and coro, T 1 solo and coro, T 2 solo and coro, B solo and coro, vl 1, vl 2, vla, vlne, org
- catalogued according to RISM entry and Murányi (1997)
Manuscript copy
notated music · manuscript · copy · parts · fair copy · complete
Publication, dating
mid 18th century
Title page(s)
[no label]
Pastorella da Cantarsi | in Sacratiſsima Notte del | Nostro Salvatore | à | Canto in Choro | Alto il Angelo | Tenore 1mo | Tenore 2do | Baſso } Pastori | Violinis 2bus | Alto Viola obligt. | Con | Organo è Violone | Del Sigre Werner .
Physical description
10 parts
hand-ruled paper, 11 staves
Components and notes
- S coro (2), A solo and coro (3), T 1 solo and coro (3), T 2 solo and coro (3), B solo and coro (3), vl 1 (4), vl 2 (4), vla (2), vlne (4), org (6)
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Ihr Hirten, ich muß euch was wunderbahrs sagn

Gloria in excelsis Deo

Kaum war die große Weltmaschin

Gloria in altissimis Deo
1 |
- Identification
WerW E.38
- Scoring
soli (S, A, T, B), coro (S, A, T, B), 2 vl, vlne, org
- Genre
sacred song
- Place and date of composition
Eisenstadt (?), mid 18th century
- Editions
1 Gloria in altissimis Deo
Tempo |
Vivace |
Key |
C major |
Meter |
Extent |
186 bars |
Scoring |
soli (S, A, T, B), coro (S, A, T, B), 2 vl, vlne, org |

Gloria in altissimis Deo |
Vivace |
C major |
26 |
soli (S, A, T, B), coro (S, A, T, B), 2 vl, vlne, org |
Heut mecht ich nicht in Himmel seyn (Aria Pastorum) |
Andante |
F lydian |
49 |
soli (T, B), 2 vl, vlne, org |
Ihr Hirten lieb und werth (Aria Angeli) |
Largo |
A minor |
44 |
soli (S, A), 2 vl, vlne, org |
org solo |
So gehn wir halt (Chorus) |
Vivace |
C major |
67 |
coro (S, A, T, B), 2 vl, vlne, org |
bars 26–42 in 3/4 time; bars 43–67 are a da capo of the first 25 bars |
Manuscript copy
notated music · manuscript · copy · parts · fair copy · complete
Publication, dating
mid 18th century
Title page(s)
Pastorella | di Natale del Nostro Salvatore | Giesu Xto | à | Canto Alto il Angeli | Tenore Baſso Pastori | Violinis 2bus | con | Organo è Violone | Del Sigre Gregorio Werner.
Physical description
8 parts
hand-ruled paper, 11 staves
Components and notes
- S solo and coro (4), A solo and coro (3), T solo and coro (3), B solo and coro (3), vl 1 (4), vl 2 (4), vlne (4), org (6)
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Wäll heut dä Tag so freudenreich

Identifiers |
HarCa I.T.12 |
Sources |
A-Ed E 62 |
Notes |
Literature |
Auf auf ihr Hirten allzugleich

Identifiers |
PetWe 7 |
Sources |
A-Ed E 47 · A-El 56814 |
Notes |
A-Ed lost; A-El is Bärenreiter print 828 |
Literature |
Winkler-Klement (2013, pp. 91, 180) |
Alle meine Ehre (D major)
(no incipit available)
Identifiers |
Sources |
A-Ed E 5 |
Notes |
A-Ed lost, mentioned in inventory of 1837; no incipit known |
Literature |
Zur Freuden erwachet (F major)
(no incipit available)
Identifiers |
Sources |
A-Ed E 8 |
Notes |
A-Ed lost, mentioned in inventory of 1837; no incipit known |
Literature |
Frohlocket ihr Christen (C major)
(no incipit available)
Identifiers |
Sources |
A-Ed E 24 |
Notes |
A-Ed lost, mentioned in inventory of 1837; no incipit known |
Literature |
Nun ist die größte Gnadenzeit (C major)
(no incipit available)
Identifiers |
Sources |
A-Ed E 26 |
Notes |
S solo; A-Ed lost, mentioned in inventory of 1837; no incipit known; maybe identical to L25 |
Literature |
Es hat kaum (F major)
(no incipit available)
Identifiers |
Sources |
A-Ed E 39 |
Notes |
S solo; A-Ed lost, mentioned in inventory of 1837; no incipit known |
Literature |
Wer die arge Welt will fliehen (B♭ major)
(no incipit available)
Identifiers |
Sources |
A-Ed E 40 |
Notes |
T solo; A-Ed lost, mentioned in inventory of 1837; no incipit known |
Literature |
Laßt finstere Wolken (B♭ major)
(no incipit available)
Identifiers |
Sources |
A-Ed E 41 |
Notes |
A-Ed lost, mentioned in inventory of 1837; no incipit known |
Literature |
Nun will ich ein Solo singen (G major)
(no incipit available)
Identifiers |
Sources |
A-Ed E 43 |
Notes |
S solo; A-Ed lost, mentioned in inventory of 1837; no incipit known |
Literature |
Auf auf zum Streit (B♭ major)
(no incipit available)
Identifiers |
Sources |
A-Ed E 45 |
Notes |
B solo; A-Ed lost, mentioned in inventory of 1837; no incipit known |
Literature |
Die Vorhöll (F major)
(no incipit available)
Identifiers |
Sources |
A-Ed E 48 |
Notes |
S solo; A-Ed lost, mentioned in inventory of 1837; no incipit known |
Literature |
Gegrüßet seyst (B♭ major)
(no incipit available)
Identifiers |
Sources |
A-Ed E 49 |
Notes |
S solo; A-Ed lost, mentioned in inventory of 1837; no incipit known |
Literature |
O Maria sey gegrüßet (F major)
(no incipit available)
Identifiers |
Sources |
A-Ed E 50 |
Notes |
A-Ed lost, mentioned in inventory of 1837; no incipit known; maybe identical to L26 |
Literature |
Betracht mein Christ (F major)
(no incipit available)
Identifiers |
Sources |
A-Ed E 51 |
Notes |
A solo; A-Ed lost, mentioned in inventory of 1837; no incipit known |
Literature |
O du verliebter Gott (F major)
(no incipit available)
Identifiers |
Sources |
A-Ed E 58 |
Notes |
T solo; A-Ed lost, mentioned in inventory of 1837; no incipit known |
Literature |
Christen was wollet ihr (B♭ major)
(no incipit available)
Identifiers |
Sources |
A-Ed E 59 |
Notes |
A-Ed lost, mentioned in inventory of 1837; no incipit known |
Literature |
Ach, wer stimmet meine Wörter
(no incipit available)
Identifiers |
HarCa I.R.5 · HarIn XII.20 · PetWe 1 |
Sources |
Notes |
A-Ed lost, mentioned in inventory of 1837; no incipit known |
Literature |
Ach sagt mir doch, ihr Berg und Thal
(no incipit available)
Identifiers |
HarCa I.R.6 · HarIn XII.22 · PetWe 2 |
Sources |
Notes |
S, A solo; only some parts and title known |
Literature |
Anheut hat Gott ein bsonders Werckh
(no incipit available)
Identifiers |
HarCa I.R.10 · HarIn XII.23 · PetWe 5 |
Sources |
Notes |
S solo, clno, ob; only some parts and title known |
Literature |
Ganz geheimnisvoll
(no incipit available)
Identifiers |
HarCa I.R.2 · HarIn XII.3 · PetWe 14 |
Sources |
Notes |
A solo; only some parts and title known |
Literature |
Geberlete Wellen
(no incipit available)
Identifiers |
HarCa I.R.9 · HarIn XII.32 · PetWe 15 |
Sources |
Notes |
A solo; only some parts and title known |
Literature |
Heut will sich Maria klagen
(no incipit available)
Identifiers |
HarCa I.R.8 · HarIn XII.25 · PetWe 21 |
Sources |
Notes |
B solo; only some parts and title known |
Literature |
Ihr Bethlemiter
(no incipit available)
Identifiers |
HarCa I.T.3 · HarIn XIII.12 · PetWe 25 |
Sources |
Notes |
A solo; only some parts and title known |
Literature |
Lasset nun fahren
(no incipit available)
Identifiers |
HarCa I.R.1 · HarIn XII.2 · PetWe 31 |
Sources |
Notes |
B solo; only some parts and title known |
Literature |
Maria, due bist unser Freund
(no incipit available)
Identifiers |
HarCa I.R.7 · HarIn XII.23 · PetWe 35 |
Sources |
Notes |
B solo, vlc; only some parts and title known |
Literature |
Nun ist die Gnadenzeit
(no incipit available)
Identifiers |
HarCa I.T.2 · HarIn XIII.7 · PetWe 36 |
Sources |
Notes |
B solo; only some parts and title known; maybe identical to L4 |
Literature |
O Maria, wir dich grüßen
(no incipit available)
Identifiers |
HarCa I.R.4 · HarIn XII.7 · PetWe 41 |
Sources |
Notes |
S, A solo; only some parts and title known; maybe identical to L12 |
Literature |
Sey immerhin fröhlich
(no incipit available)
Identifiers |
HarCa I.R.3 · HarIn XII.6 · PetWe 45 |
Sources |
Notes |
B solo; only some parts and title known |
Literature |
Wann der Himmel lasset fallen
1 |
- Identification
WerW E.S1
- Scoring
solo (S), 2 vl, vlne, org
- Genre
sacred song
- Place and date of composition
unknown, mid 18th century
- Editions
- Notes
This work has been attributed to Werner since the title page of the single source contains a note “Werner”, added in pencil by later hand. However, the 1837 inventory of A-Ed does not list Werner as author, and the style of the work also suggests a different composer. Since the source also contains a second aria (written by a different copyist), and its org part is attributed to “Auth: Sign: | Reuter”, the author of the first aria may be one of the Reutters.
1 Wann der Himmel lasset fallen
Tempo |
Allegro |
Key |
A major |
Meter |
Extent |
214 bars |
Scoring |
solo (S), 2 vl, vlne, org |

Manuscript copy
notated music · manuscript · copy · parts · fair copy · incomplete
Publication, dating
mid 18th century
Title page(s)
Cantus Pro Adventu | â | Canto Solo. | Violino Primo. | Violino Secundo. | Viola et Organo. | [in pencil by different hand] Werner
Physical description
4 parts
hand-ruled paper, 10 staves
Components and notes
- S solo (2), vl 1 (1), vl 2 (1), org (1); vla part missing
- also contains a second aria (Seyt getröst, betrübte Herzen; A solo, 2 vl, org) attributed to Reutter
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Murányi, R. Á. (1997).
Thematischer Katalog der Werke G. J. Werners in Budapest.
Studia Musicologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae,
38(1/2), 151–228.
Schlader, E. (2019). Chalumeaux im Werk Gregor Joseph Werners. Rohrblatt, 34(3), 101–108.
Schlader, E. (2020). Chalumeaux im Werk Gregor Joseph Werners. In M. Czernin (Ed.), Gregor Joseph Werner (1693–1766). Aspekte seines Lebens (pp. 465–482). Amt der Burgenländischen Landesregierung.
Winkler-Klement, S. (2013). Die Werke Gregor Joseph Werners im Eisenstädter Domarchiv und im Burgenländischen Landesmuseum (Master’s thesis). Universität Wien.