Gregor Joseph Werner

A thematic catalogue of his works (WerW)


Wolfgang Esser-Skala


2025-01-18 (v0.11.0)


This website contains an evolving thematic catalogue of Gregor Joseph Werner’s works.


This catalogue is work-in-progress and likely contains errors or duplicate entries. Its contents are subject to change as we screen more and more manuscripts. A development version is available.

For general and biographical information on Werner, see Bogati (1936), Czernin (2020a), Moder (1959), Moder (1985), Petermayr (2007), and Unverricht (2001).


We classify Werner’s works as Vocal music (groups A to L) and instrumental music (groups M to Q). Groups D, H, and I are further divided into subgroups to provide a more fine-grained classification and to preserve work numbering if further works are discovered. Within each (sub-)group, works are ordered by library and siglum; the more important libraries (H-Bn and A-Ed) appear first, followed by other libraries. Following works with ascertained authorship, lost works (prefix L followed by consecutive number) and spurious and uncertain attributions (prefix S followed by consecutive number) are included.

Vocal music comprises

  • A. Oratorios
  • B. Masses
  • C. Requiems
  • D. Short liturgical works
    1. Motets
    2. Offertories
    3. Responsories
    4. Rorates
    5. Miscellaneous works
  • E. German sacred music
  • F. Hymns
  • G. Litanies
  • H. Vespers and psalms
    1. Complete vespers
    2. Psalms
    3. Magnificats
  • I. Marian hymns
    1. Alma redemptoris mater
    2. Ave Regina coelorum
    3. Regina coeli
    4. Salve Regina
    5. Sub tuum praesidium
  • J. Te Deums
  • K. Lamentations
  • L. Profane vocal music

Instrumental music comprises

  • M. Sonatas
  • N. Pastorellas
  • O. Partitas
  • P. Sinfonias
  • Q. Concertos

The catalogue contains at least the following information for each work:

  • title
  • one or more incipits
  • identifiers in other catalogues
  • sources (linked to the respective RISM entry, if available)
  • miscellaneous notes
  • relevant literature

In addition, we are annotating more and more works with detailed metadata in MEI format (Music Encoding Initiative, 2023).

Works in the catalogue should be cited by the abbreviation “WerW”, followed by the group, subgroup (if applicable), and work number; the latter three components should be separated by a period.

As a supplement to the catalogue, we publish selected works as Open Content editions. Available works are marked with the symbol in the work details.



The following sources represent previous efforts to create a thematic catalogue:

Hárich (1932), Murányi (1997)
In the 1930s, János Hárich catalogued the holdings of Werner’s works in the Esterházy archives (now in the National Széchényi Library, H-Bn). This typewritten catalogue is available, e.g., in the archive of the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde (siglum 14801/102). Róbert Árpád Murányi later published a transcription of the catalogue with additional notes and incipits.
Hárich (1990)
Hárich also worked on a thematic catalogue of Werner’s works, which was archived as part of his nachlass by the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde (Nachlass Hárich, fascicle 19). This catalogue consists of an introduction (DIN A4, 18 p.) and ca. 600 index cards (DIN A5), each of which describes one work. Several crossed out numbers on these cards indicate that the catalogue was revised several times, but eventually remained unfinished. In its archived form, the catalogue describes 677 works in total, but contains several duplicate entries and omits some works that were discovered later.
Winkler-Klement (2013)
In her diploma thesis, Susanne Winkler-Klement catalogued manuscripts of Werner’s works in the archive of the Eisenstadt cathedral (A-Ed) and the State Museum Burgenland (A-El). Some manuscripts from the former archhive are missing in her catalogie, since they have been newly discovered and assigned in later years, i.e., during the digitization of the Eisenstadt music inventory in 2017 and 2018 (Dolezal & Diözese Eisenstadt, 2018), and by chance in the storage room of the parish office on 2017-06-20 (Meyer, 2020).
Petermayr (2024)
An unpublished draft catalogue of works by Klaus Petermayr (personal communication).

Partial catalogues of Werner’s works are available in

  • Dopf (1956) – masses
  • Hárich (1976) – oratorios
  • Mikusi (2020) – sonatas
  • Petermayr (2015) – German church arias and pastorellas
  • Petermayr (2020) – instrumental works
  • Winkler-Klement (2020) – masses and oratorios

Finally, the following sources also contain hints on Werner’s music:

  • Czernin (2020b) – overview of sources in Austria
  • Eitner (1904) – sources known around 1900
  • Hárich (1975) – instrumental works in the historical Esterházy inventories


The work list assembled from these sources (data/catalogue_works.csv) was checked against and supplemented by RISM entries. To this end, entries were downloaded via sru-downloader on 2024-01-27, yielding 867 entries. In the resulting XML file, all tags in the zs namespace were removed, yielding the XML file data/rism_entries.xml, which only contains MarcXML tags:

java -jar SRUDownloader.jar ",%20Gregor%20Joseph%22&maximumRecords=100"
grep -v "<zs:" output.xml | \
  grep -v "</zs:" | \
  grep -v "<marc:collection" | \
  grep -v "</marc:collection" | \
  sed '1 a\<marc:collection xmlns:marc="">' | \
  sed '$ a\</marc:collection>' \
  > rism_entries.xml
rm output.xml

Pages for all groups of works were generated automatically from catalogue_overview.csv and catalogue_works.csv. If manually curated incipits were unavailable for a work, the first incipit of the first source with a RISM entry was included. Data from the RISM Catalogue (e.g., Plaine & Easie Code for incipits) by the Répertoire International des Sources Musicales is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution CC-BY 3.0 Unported License.

Detailed work metadata was edited with MerMEId v2.0. Incipits were either prepared with MuseScore, polished with mei-friend, and rendered with Verovio, or created with LilyPond and EES Tools. XML files were exported from MerMEId, post-processed and validated against the schema mei-CMN. These pages are rendered using the BravuraText font v1.392 and Verovio.

Data and code availability

Datasets and code used for preparing this catalogue are available from GitHub.


Assistance of the following people and institutions is gratefully acknowledged: Thomas Dolezal (Dommusikarchiv Eisenstadt – A-Ed), Ute-Eva Thiem (Benediktinerabtei Stift Göttweig, Musikarchiv – A-GÖ), H. Ulrich Mauterer (Stift Herzogenburg, Musikarchiv – A-H), P. Roman Nägele (Stift Heiligenkreuz im Wienerwald, Musikarchiv – A-HE), Martin Haltrich and Ulrike Wagner (Stift Klosterneuburg, Musikarchiv – A-KN), Peter Deinhammer (Benediktinerstift Lambach, Musikarchiv – A-LA), P. Michael Eppenschwandtner (Benediktinerabtei Michaelbeuern, Musikarchiv – A-MB), P. Nikolaus Thiel (Stift Schlierbach, Musikarchiv – A–SB), Eva Neumayr (Archiv der Erzdiözese Salzburg, Musiksammlung – A-Sd), P. Florian Ehebruster (Benediktinerstift Seitenstetten, Musikarchiv – A-SEI), Johannes Prominczel, Spiridoula Katsarou, and Günther Faimann (Archiv der Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde in Wien – A-Wgm), Ikarus Kaiser (Stift Wilhering, Musikarchiv – A-WIL), Michael Sipka (Erzbischöfliches Priesterseminar – A-Wps), Andreas Gamerith (Stift Zwettl, Stiftsbibliothek – A-Z), Ilse Beel (Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel, Bibliotheek – B-Bc), Maria Šťastná (Knihovna Národního muzea, Praha – CZ-Pn and CZ-Pnm), Gertraud Gaukesbrink (Santini-Bibliothek, Münster – D-MÜs), Christoph Hauser (Benediktinerabtei Ottobeuren, Bibliothek – D-OB), Gábor Nemes (Székesegyházi Kottatár, Győr – H-Gk), Zita Grócz (Érseki Könyvtár, Kalocsa – H-K), Zoltán Damásdi (Pécsi Egyházmegye, Pécsi Püspöki Levéltár, Székesegyházi Kottatár – H-P), Bálasz Karlinszky (Székesegyházi Kottatár, Veszprém – H-VEs), Elisabeth Hilscher (Austrian Academy of Sciences), Klaus Petermayr (Oberösterreichisches Landesmuseum, Musiksammlung), as well as the staff of the Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Musiksammlung, Wien (A-Wn), the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Musikabteilung (D-B), the Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Dresden (D-Dl), the Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, Musikabteilung (D-DS), the Duke University Libraries, Music Library, Durham, NC (US-DMu), and the Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek Luzern (CH-Lz).


Would like to team up or support the project? Feel free to reach out to me via email!

Disclosure (§25 Mediengesetz)
This website is privately provided and maintained by Wolfgang Esser-Skala, Wolfgangseestraße 31g, 5023 Koppl.